『你的优点是什么?』,别老是用同样的单字回答啦!这 34 个回答方式会让面试官眼前一亮哦! - 铁饭网 | RiceBowl.my
# Lifestyle # Job Tips

『你的优点是什么?』,别老是用同样的单字回答啦!这 34 个回答方式会让面试官眼前一亮哦! - 铁饭网 | RiceBowl.my

post by Dylan

by Dylan

Nov 29, 2023
at 5:15 PM

在准备个人简历和参加面试的时候,我们经常会需要就自己『Strengths and Weaknesses』进行回答,简单来说就是自我评价。


这个问题看似简单,可是很多时候我们难免会遇到词穷的情况,说来说去都是那几个字。以下小编给大家整理了 34 个模范答案,大家在准备简历或者参加工作面试前,不妨来参考一下!


1.   Mature,dynamic and honest:思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实        

2.   Excellent ability of systematical management:优越的系统管理能力

3.   Ability to work independently, mature, and resourceful:能独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强

4.   A person with ability plus flexibility:需要有能力和适应能力强的人

5.   A stable personality and high sense of responsibility:个性稳重、极具高责任感

6.   Work well in a multi-cultural and diverse work force:能够和不同文化背景的同事好好工作

7.   Bright,aggressive:反应快、积极进取

8.   Ambitious:雄心壮志

9.   Initiative、independent and good communication skill:积极主动、独立工作能力强、拥有良好的沟通能力

10.   Willing to work under pressure with leadership quality:愿意在压力下工作,并具备领导素质

11.   Willing to assume responsibility:愿意挑起重任

12.   Mature, self-motived and strong interpersonal skills:思想成熟、上进心强,并具备丰富的人际关系技巧 

13.   Energetic, fashion-minded person:精力旺盛、思想新潮   

14.   With a pleasant mature attitude:开朗成熟   

15.   Strong determination to succeed:有坚定的毅力取得成功 

16.   Strong leadership skills:有卓越的领导能力   

17.   Ability to work all with others:能够与其他人一起工作 

18.   Highly-motived and reliable prison with excellent health and pleasant personality:上进心强又可信赖,健康又性格开朗   

19.   The ability to initiate and operate indecently:有创造能力,并能独立地从业   

20.   Strong leadership skills while possessing a great team spirit:具备良好的领导能力来组织团队   

21.   Be highly organised and efficient:工作有条有理,办事效率高   

22.   Willing to learn and progress:肯学习进取     

23.   Good presentation skills:有良好的表达能力   

24.   Positive active mind essential:有积极,灵活的头脑   

25.   Ability to deal with personal at all levels effectively:善于跟不同阶层的人打交道。   

26.   Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision:有积极的工作态度,愿意在没有监督的情况下勤奋工作   

27.   Young, bright, energetic with strong career-ambition:年轻、聪明、精力充沛、并有很强的事业心   

28.   Good people management and communication skills:有良好的管理和沟通能力   

29.   Able to work under high pressure and time limitation:能在高压力和时间限制下进行工作  

30.   Be elegant and with nice personality:举止优雅,个性好   

31.   With good managerial skills and organisational capabilities:有良好的管理技巧和组织能力  

32.   Having good and extensive social connections:具有良好而广泛的社会关系   

33.   Being active, creative and innovative:思想活跃,有创新和革新的精神   

34.   With good analytical capability:有较强的分析能力


有了以上这 34 个模范答案,大家以后就不用担心词穷啦!赶快分享给更多人阅读吧!
