职场上最常用到的 19 个英文句子  快背起来!让老板和同事马上对你刮目相看!- 铁饭网 | RiceBowl.my | 全马首个中英文求职招聘网站
# Life Hack

职场上最常用到的 19 个英文句子 快背起来!让老板和同事马上对你刮目相看!- 铁饭网 | RiceBowl.my | 全马首个中英文求职招聘网站

post by Chloe Chan

by Chloe Chan

May 24, 2018
at 7:17 AM

和同事讨论公事,和老板开会,或是和客户推销 idea,经常需要使用大量的英文词汇和句子,但对于平常不是用英文沟通的我们来说,要突然转换语言大脑难免会突然当机。

根据著名英文频道 VoiceTube ,以下是经常在职场使用的 19 句英文短句,无论你想表达同意、不同意,都可以找到适合的句子哦!


首先,用 agree 和 disagree 来表达赞同或不赞同就是基本款,让我们来看看他有哪三种最基本的用法:


1    agree / disagree with + 人+ o​​n + 事情

      I disagreed with Jack on the agenda of our meeting. 我不同意Jack 提出的会议议程。


2    agree / disagree to + 动词原形

      They agreed to give us the proposal tomorrow. 他们同意明天要给我们提案。


3    agree / disagree that + 子句

      I agree that we should start the campaign before they release their latest product. 我同意我们应该要在他们发表最新产品前开始活动。





1. You can say that again. 我同意

2. I go along with you. 我赞成你的意见

A: The economy is still unstable in this country, we should spend more time observing it. 这个国家的经济仍不稳定,我们应该花更多时间观察。

B: I go along with you. 我同意。


3.    I feel much the same way. 我有一样的想法

A: Don’t you think the project he proposed is impracticable? A: 你不觉得他提出的计画难以实行吗?

B: I feel much the same way. B: 我也是这样觉得。


4   I am in favor of… 我赞成…

5   I’m of the same opinion. 我同意

A: Serving the customers should be our priority. 服务顾客应该要是我们的首要目标。

B: I’m of the same opinion. 我完全同意。


6   That's exactly what I was trying to say. 这就是我想要说的

A: In order to meet our target this month, we should launch a new campaign. 为了达到我们这个月的目标,我们应该要发起新一波的活动。

B: That’s exactly what I was trying to say. 这就是我要说的啊!


7   I couldn’t agree with you more. 我完全同意!

A: The price is a bargain, we must order it ASAP. 这个价钱太便宜了,我们一定要尽快下订单。

 B: I couldn’t agree with you more. 我完全同意。




8    I can’t really go along with you there. 我无法同意你说的

A: What do you think of Allen’s proposal on this matter? A: 你认为 Allen 对这件事情的提案如何呢?

B: I can't really go along with you there. But if you asked, I would say that we shouldn't be in such a haste. B: 我无法同意你说的,但如果你问我的话,我会说我们不该如此匆忙。


9   I think you are mistaken. 你一定搞错了


10   I don't like to disagree with you, but… 我并不想否定你,但是……

 A: We should donate one million dollars to charity. 我们应该要捐一百万做慈善。

B: I don’t like to disagree with you, but we don’t even have that much money. 我并不想否定你,而我也能够了解你想说的,但我们根本就没有那么多钱。


11   As far as I’m concerned… 就我认为…

A: We should host a farewell dinner for the retiring employee. 我们应该主办一场欢送晚宴给退休的职员。

B: I’m not against your whole idea, it’s just that, as far as I’m concerned, our schedule is packed.  我不是反对这个主意,只是我想我们没有时间。


12   I must take issue with you on that. 我不同意这点

A: Diners tend to follow the restaurant recommendations online. That's why we have to spend money on it. 用餐的顾客倾向于参照线上的推荐指南,因此我们应该花钱在这上面。

 B: I must take issue with you on that. I think our main focus should be serving delicious cuisine. 我不同意这点,我认为我们应该要专注于推出好吃的餐点。


13   I think you'll find it a bit more complicated than that. 我想事情没有那么简单

A: All we have to do is to invest in their company, then we will start to make profits. 我们要做的只有投资他们公司,然后我们就会开始获利了。

B: I think you'll find it a bit more complicated than that. But before I say no, please let me just check that I understand what you are trying to say here. 我想事情没有那么简单,在我否定你之前,请先让我确认一下我有没有理解你所说的。


14   That’s not really how I see it, but maybe… 我不这么认为,但或许…

A: We should do a research on how superstore display their merchandise. 我们应该研究大型商场陈设商品的方法。

B: That’s not really how I see it, but maybe we can make some change. 我不这么认为,但或许我们能做些调整。


15   I'm afraid I can't agree with you. 我想我不能同意

A: We should include the cost of a round-trip airline ticket into the seven-day cruise package.  我们应该包含来回机票的价钱在七日的邮轮的套装行程内。

B: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you but I can understand what you are saying.  我想我不赞同这件事情,但我想我知道你要说什么。


16   I think I’ll go with Jack’s idea, but tell me more about your idea first. 我想我同意 Jack 的点子,但请先谈谈你的想法。

17   I'm not against your whole idea, just… 我不是全然否定你的想法,只是…


Fillers (填补词)



18   I don’t know but let me think. 我不知道,但让我想想。

 I don’t know, but let me think. I think drinking Canada should be allowed in the street. 我不知道,但让我想想,我想在加拿大街上喝酒是可以被允许的。


19   I’ve never thought about that before but… 我没有想过这点,但…



(资料来源: VoiceTube)




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