【看似不重要,其实决定了你的生死?】面试的 Follow Up Email  , 让 HR 对你留下好印象!
# Life Hack # Job Tips

【看似不重要,其实决定了你的生死?】面试的 Follow Up Email , 让 HR 对你留下好印象!

post by Chloe Chan

by Chloe Chan

Jun 13, 2021
at 11:28 AM


面试结束后,面试官叫你回家等消息你就真的回家等消息吗?你知道有很多人都会在面试前后发一封follow up email来跟进状况吗?这封看似不重要的邮件,其实能够让你在众多候选者中被面试官记着。

Follow up 的 email 说的不只是在面试后的那一封 email,而是在收到面试通知的那一刻起,就能动手回复一封让对方记住你的邮件了。



Thank you for the arrangement. I highly appreciate this opportunity and look forward to meeting with you next week.


Thank you for your consideration, I am honoured to have this opportunity to discuss more about the role and my potential with you.




面试结束并不是回家等消息而已,建议写封follow up邮件来跟进消息,同时也可以让面试官看到你的诚意。面试后的跟进邮件有两个基本原则:把内容跟你面试的表现做个连接,以及邮件的内容必须简洁。


面试后的 follow up email 可分为 2 种,第一种为感谢信,来表感谢面试官抽空给你面试,千万别留到面试结束几天后才发出去,这封邮件一定要在面试当天发出。

Thank you for taking the time to meet me today. It was such a pleasure to learn about the _____ position and the company. I resonate with all your sharing and am excited to get new insights from you. 

Please feel free to contact me if there is any further information I can provide, I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Thank you for taking the time to meet me today. It was a really good chance to learn more about the team and the company. 

Please feel free to contact me if there is any further information I can provide, I look forward to hearing from you soon!



- Given the uncertainty of everything going on, I completely understand how busy you probably are and how carefully you consider each decision during the interview process.

- Kindly let me know if you need anything from me. I continue to be enthusiastic about potentially joining the team.

写封 follow up email 不一定是可以让你成功入选的举动,最重要的是把自己的部分做好,其他的就交给面试官去做决定,至少不会留有遗憾。切记follow up email一定要根据自己的实际状况来进行修改,以达到更佳的效果哦!