How To Worry Less (And Grow From Fear)
# Lifestyle

How To Worry Less (And Grow From Fear)

post by David Blog

by David Blog

Oct 22, 2019
at 11:41 AM

There’s a saying that goes, “life is like a rollercoaster, there are always ups and downs.” There will always be a cycle of sadness and happiness. With this cycle, there are learning opportunities everyday, but the brain has a weird way of amplifying the sorrow and minimizing the happiness. Whenever our brains see something as “bad”, it starts to worry about it. But usually most times there is no real reason to worry, it only makes us dig ourselves deeper into the hole and makes us unaware of the happiness that might be waiting around the corner.

There really is not way to stop worrying completely, however there are ways to worry less, and change our perspective to use that worry and fear for a learning opportunity. So, here are 5 ways to worry less and learn from it.


Soften your understanding of worry.

Why we worry is a way of anticipating and avoiding any potential dangers and to keep us safe. It is the brain trying to protect us, so it worrying is useful at times.

  • However, often times we worry so much that it only makes us nervous and anxious about everything, and thus leading to even more worry. The brain has good intentions, but it also has self destructive tendencies.


    Allow and accept the feeling of fear.

    Worrying usually creates the feeling of fear or anxiety. 

  • Instead of resisting the fear, we should accept and embrace it. By doing this, we are more ready to face our fears and expand our comfort zones.

  • As we keep facing fears, we will realize there is actually nothing to be afraid of, and we will keep improving ourselves.


    Feel into worry with kindness.

    When you are aware of your feelings, you can slowly change your outlook on it.

  • Whenever you worry, you should reassure yourself on your worries, and analyze them from a loving and kind perspective. It will tune down the negative thinking. For example…

    If you are worried ask yourself “What does this feeling believe?” Does it believe that you are useless and unlovable, or are you telling yourself that so much it becomes your reality?

  • Ask yourself, what does this feeling need right now? Does it need to feel cared for, to feel secure, or to feel a sense of belonging?

  • Whatever that answer is, you can plant ideas in your own head like a seed. By constantly telling yourself something you are bound to believe it.


    Expand your awareness out to include all people.

    Whatever the worrying is about, the most important thing for you to realize is that you are not alone.

  • Feeling vulnerable is part of human nature and many people throughout the world struggle with the same source of vulnerability that you experience.

  • When we are feeling vulnerable with anxiety, it often times feels like its all about us, but we also need to share it with others and a have people’s support to help you out.

  • Imagine all the other people who struggle worrying and wish them all the same positive vibes that you just wished yourself.


    Always repeat the previous steps.

    By constantly practicing the previous steps, they will become stronger and more automatic.

  • After  a certain time, you will realize that your heart is stronger and that you are not as prone to anxiety, sadness and worry anymore, instead you let the feeling guide you to new heights.