这封求职 Email 被公司副总裁形容为【完美】!来看看他的理由是什么?求职者应该学起来!- 铁饭网 | RiceBowl.my | 全马首个中英文求职招聘网站
# Job Tips

这封求职 Email 被公司副总裁形容为【完美】!来看看他的理由是什么?求职者应该学起来!- 铁饭网 | RiceBowl.my | 全马首个中英文求职招聘网站

post by Chloe Chan

by Chloe Chan

Dec 31, 1969
at 7:30 AM

Ray Carroll 是一家销售公司的副总裁。身为公司的高层,他早已经见识过各式各样的简历、求职信,当然还有不乏经验丰富的求职者和应届毕业生。

但是,最近他却被一封求职 email 深深地吸引了,并且赞叹这是【完美的求职 email】!不仅如此,Ray Carroll 还一一列出了这封 email 的优点呢,我们一起来看看吧!



"Every sentence is valuable in this note, and nothing is filler. I feel like I know her well, and I’ve never met her. Let’s chop it into a couple pieces with some commentary:

Someone I don’t know but should wants to come work in a specific role in my dept. NOTE: Formal Greeting with Mr. Ray Carroll is a little old school but I appreciate the effort and it makes me feel special. {OK, I’m listening, you have 2 seconds. What is your name?}"


一个素未谋面的人,看起来很想要来我的公司上班。注:如此正式地称呼我为 Ray Caroll 先生好像有点过时了?不过我很感谢她这么称呼我,因为那让我觉得自己很特别。



Great. Your name is Taylor, and you want to be an SDR

翻译:很好,你的名字是 Taylor,你想应聘 SDR 的职位。


OK, you’ll go above and beyond to make sure I get your resume (as AngelList is great platform but not really an ATS). I like that.



You have no idea what to do but you’re comfortable taking risks, not scared of rejection and graduated from a top college. You want to work in the industry and learn.



You researched what we do at Engagio and explained it as well as anyone with zero work experience in the real world could explain it.



You actually have some previous experience in the workplace that leads me to believe that you could be good. Additionally, you are local, so I don’t have to worry about travel costs or needing to convince you to move somewhere new



You’re really excited and will be really easy to track down to schedule something.

翻译: 你看起来充满热忱,配合度很高,让我不得不注意到你,且有意和你安排接下来的会面。


Then, she does something unique. She has a professional signature but instead of a company it tells me she went to a great college which re-enforces her as a viable candidate. This is really well put together. It’s like an orchestra.



在仔细阅读了这封邮件后,Ray Carroll 觉得这封 Email 没有任何可挑剔之处。根据他的说法,这封邮件简洁明了,直接说出重点,所以绝对能获得他的回复。他在看了这封 email 后也马上回复了那名女孩。

除了以上几点,还有另外两个重点,让 Ray Carroll 觉得那是一封专业且完美的求职 email,其中分别是:

1). 她是一名很好的决策者。

2). 这封 Email 没有一个错字。


各位求职者,虽然以上的言论仅代表 Ray Carroll 的看法,但也不失为一个有价值的参考哦。大家不妨学起来吧!(小编觉得署名加上大学名称还蛮酷的)


资料来源 : LinkedIn Ray Carroll