这几句话永远永远不要在工作中讲! - 铁饭网 | RiceBowl.my
# Lifestyle # Job Tips

这几句话永远永远不要在工作中讲! - 铁饭网 | RiceBowl.my

post by Chloe Chan

by Chloe Chan

Jun 22, 2016
at 2:28 AM







参考整理好的例句,分析言语从脑海里开始 (in one’s mind),到讲出来 (spoken out loud),与被听见 (heard by others) 的过程。从三个角度来看同样的想法,了解言语从一个人的脑海里到他人的耳朵里,如果一不小心用错了一个字或一个句子,不同的方式将会呈现完全不同的效应,会造成十万八千里的差距:


1. It’s not fair.这不公平。

"It’s not fair."一听就是公主病的口语与少爷的架子。大家对现在的“草莓族”已经多少有偏见,如果听到年轻人讲这种话一定会有反感,想象他在家里一定是娇生惯养,横行霸道的公主或王子,把他列为草莓族的范典。如果是年长的人抱怨不公平的话,旁边的人心里一定要笑掉大牙了。世界上不公平的事太多了,需要一份工作的人还是会继续上班,受不了的人离职以后的下一份工作也不大可能是完美的。如果真的受到不平等或者不合法的对待时,要收集有足够的证据,再具体的与主管讨论工作分配的状况与待遇,心平气和的找到解决问题的方案。



In one’s mind:

(O) I have been with the company longer, and my client base has brought in significant avenue consistently over the past five years. I would like to know if there is any tangible reason that made you decide not to promote me, or I will have to assume that I was overlooked because I am a single mother of three young children.



Spoken out loud:

(X) It’s not fair that you promoted Frances instead of me. She has less experience than I do, has only been with the company for one year. I feel that I was overlooked because you prefer someone who has less personal obligations.



Heard by others:

(XX) I am extremely angry because of your discriminatory decision. I deserve that promotion, and you gave it to someone who is not qualified because she is younger, and doesn’t have any children.



2. That’s not my problem; that’s not my job; I don’t get paid enough for this.





In one’s mind:

(O) I understand everyone is under a lot of pressure toward the end of the month. Nevertheless, we had discussed that each person must be responsible for writing his or her own invoices. If I were to help you, I will have to put my name on it, and that will cause further delays when the accounting department calculates our commissions.



Spoken out loud:

(X) Your invoices are not my problem right now. I only get my commission if I fulfill my quota, and I have to worry about myself. We talked about this in the last meeting, and we have to stop mixing up our responsibilities, and there is only one name allowed on one invoice.



Heard by others:

(XX) I can’t believe you are asking me to do your job. We talked about this in the last meeting, and the boss said it’s mandatory for each person to take accountability, and complete the required tasks. So you should learn to be more responsible, go do your job, and stop creating problems for others.


3. I think…我想…

Come on! 我们不是在讨论笛卡儿的名言「我思考,所以我存在。」(I think therefore I am)。讲话的时候就代表你应该已经想好了。思想派的朋友们也不要在意,很多人都会常常把 “I think, I suppose, I speculate” 当口头禅。重点是在与同事与客户沟通时,要直接的表达你的自信心与专业性。如果你已经从自我的智慧与逻辑中达到结论,也信任自己的想法,就直接的说 “I know, I believe, I am certain”.



In one’s mind:

(O) I am certain that the end of November is the best time to promote the new clothing line, because Thanksgiving will be around the corner, and everyone will have some extra time and money prepared to start doing their Christmas shopping.

我肯定十一月底是推动新的服饰线的最佳时机,因为感恩节即将到临,而每个人都会有准备一些额外的时间与金钱来开始他们的圣诞採购 。


Spoken out loud:

(X) I think the end of November is a good time to release the new clothing line. I speculate that since Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming, consumers will probably want to spend more money.



Heard by others:

(XX) I am uncertain when is the best time to release the new clothing line. But since the holidays are coming, we will just assume Thanksgiving is a good time, because everyone will be out shopping anyway.



4. You should have…; you could have…你应该…;你当初可以…




In one’s mind:

(O) I wish this mistake didn’t happen. Everyone, including myself, should had pay more attention, double checked the paper work, and re-confirmed with the clients. We need to figure out how to do damage control, and make sure it won’t happen again.



Spoken out loud:

(X) This is a big mistake. I cannot believe you missed it. You should had double checked the paper work, showed all the samples to the client, and someone should had been at the factory when the materials were delivered.



Heard by others:

(XX) This is a horrible and extremely unprofessional mistake that happened right under our noses. It’s all your fault that no one checked the paper work, clarified with the customers some samples look alike. And I can’t believe you were so lazy, and didn’t check if the correct material was delivered to the factory.

这是一个在我们眼前发生的极度严重与非常不专业的错误。 没有人检查文件并与客户说明某一些样品看起来很相像的事都是你的错。我不能相信你是如懒惰,并没有检查正确的材料是否被送到工厂。

5. I may be wrong, but…; this may be a silly idea, but…我可能是错的,但是…;这可能是一个愚蠢的想法,但是…




In one’s mind:

(O) We can’t spend more time and money on similar strategies that don’t work. It’s time to think outside the box, and stop doing market research by phone calls and email. We got to hit the streets, talking to people, be louder, and attract more attention.


我们不能再花费更多的时间来在类似又无效的策略上。现在是需要突破的时候, 并停止通过电话与电子邮件做市场调查。我们一定要上街与人交谈,阔大我们的声音,并吸引更多的关注。


Spoken out loud:

(X) Maybe I am wrong on this, but we have gathered all our information through phones calls and emails. I have a new idea. Maybe it’s kind of silly, but why don’t we start doing more hands-on research, and start meeting the consumers in person.



Heard by others:

(XX) I am aware that we haven’t been innovative with our research methods. Since we are not going anywhere with the current strategy, we might just well try something else.



6. I don’t have time for this right now;I’m too busy.我现在没有时间讨论这件事;我太忙了。




In one’s mind:

(O) I am worried about the meetings this afternoon, and the important presentation tomorrow. I know you want my thoughts on your decision, but I am afraid that I cannot provide you with any constructive advice at this moment. Please come talk to me at the end of tomorrow if you still need me, and we will figure it out.



Spoken out loud:

(X) I understand you want my thoughts on the issue, but can’t you see I am running around today. I don’t have time for this right now, why don’t you catch me next time.



Heard by others:

(XX) I am so busy right now, and you should stop bothering me. If you want my help, or want to know what I think, wait until I have more time on my hands. Otherwise, leave me alone.

